I brought many spirit tools into this life with me. I've spent much of my adult life clearing, healing, remembering what I already know, trusting myself to express my personal truths, and letting my knowledge flow.
The basis of my energy work has to do with frequencies, alignment, identifying and resolving dissonance, and (re)harmonizing. The result is you getting closer to yourself.
I'm good at listening to and feeling the vibrations buzzing around. I can understand structures and relationships very well. With your permission, I tune into the frequencies active within your personal matrix to get an orientation of areas to address. As I listen, I get input from you, your higher self, ancestors, star-helpers, interdimensional beings, angels, soul aspects, faeries, crystal beings, nature spirits, rocks, plants, animals, and more. I do not channel - however, I consider with discernment the information revealed by the helpful beings who show up to help us in our sessions.
I work with sound, singing, breathing, movement, body work, crystals and minerals, energy transfer, visualization and meditation, drumming, process conversations, healing plants, shamanic energy methods, occasional constellations - and whatever else wants to happen that day.
You lead your experience and hold the power-responsibility for your journey. I hold the space for your exploration with clarity and integrity, give gently informed impulses, and direct energies when needed. I am also always up for a big hug and cup of tea after!
The menu above lists a few of my selected energy work offerings, however our work together will reveal which tools best suit our journey.
I work both in person and online/remotely.
Sound interesting?
The basis of my energy work has to do with frequencies, alignment, identifying and resolving dissonance, and (re)harmonizing. The result is you getting closer to yourself.
I'm good at listening to and feeling the vibrations buzzing around. I can understand structures and relationships very well. With your permission, I tune into the frequencies active within your personal matrix to get an orientation of areas to address. As I listen, I get input from you, your higher self, ancestors, star-helpers, interdimensional beings, angels, soul aspects, faeries, crystal beings, nature spirits, rocks, plants, animals, and more. I do not channel - however, I consider with discernment the information revealed by the helpful beings who show up to help us in our sessions.
I work with sound, singing, breathing, movement, body work, crystals and minerals, energy transfer, visualization and meditation, drumming, process conversations, healing plants, shamanic energy methods, occasional constellations - and whatever else wants to happen that day.
You lead your experience and hold the power-responsibility for your journey. I hold the space for your exploration with clarity and integrity, give gently informed impulses, and direct energies when needed. I am also always up for a big hug and cup of tea after!
The menu above lists a few of my selected energy work offerings, however our work together will reveal which tools best suit our journey.
I work both in person and online/remotely.
Sound interesting?
Atlantis & Lemurien: DER WORKSHOP - Bewusst wieder höher schwingen!
Gemeinsam befreien wir uns von uralten Blockaden und legen die Potenziale unserer Seele wieder frei. Dies werden wir mit Hilfe von Körperarbeit und Bewusstseinsübungen, aber auch gezieltem Einsatz von Musik und Frequenzen tun. Autorin und Lebenscoach Elisabeth Karsten führt diesen transformative Workshop. Die Musikerin Nicole Yazolino, die sich schon lange mit der vielfältigen Wirkung von Klängen beschäftigt, wird uns bei allem begleiten und unterstützen. Wir erkunden höhere Schwingungsebenen und wie wir sie im Alltagsbewusstsein verankern können.
Herzlichst, Nicole & Elisabeth
In Frieden und Freude durch die Apokalypse und darüber hinaus!
Ort: Institut für Seelenheilung, Wilmersdorferstr. 102, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Teilnahmekosten: 88 € – fällig am Ende der Veranstaltung
Gemeinsam befreien wir uns von uralten Blockaden und legen die Potenziale unserer Seele wieder frei. Dies werden wir mit Hilfe von Körperarbeit und Bewusstseinsübungen, aber auch gezieltem Einsatz von Musik und Frequenzen tun. Autorin und Lebenscoach Elisabeth Karsten führt diesen transformative Workshop. Die Musikerin Nicole Yazolino, die sich schon lange mit der vielfältigen Wirkung von Klängen beschäftigt, wird uns bei allem begleiten und unterstützen. Wir erkunden höhere Schwingungsebenen und wie wir sie im Alltagsbewusstsein verankern können.
Herzlichst, Nicole & Elisabeth
In Frieden und Freude durch die Apokalypse und darüber hinaus!
Ort: Institut für Seelenheilung, Wilmersdorferstr. 102, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Teilnahmekosten: 88 € – fällig am Ende der Veranstaltung
My name is Nicole and I am a conscious frequency being here on planet Earth.
What does that even mean?!?! I am a human doing human things (OMG CHOCOLATE... AND NAPS... AND HUGS... AND LOVE... AND CATS!). But I am also aware of myself as a multi-dimensional being.
All I do is an expression of my own frequency - and some of those things are listed here on this website.
You'll find information about my music, arts, energy work, and other life-affirming things I create with love to support my fellow humans.
What does that even mean?!?! I am a human doing human things (OMG CHOCOLATE... AND NAPS... AND HUGS... AND LOVE... AND CATS!). But I am also aware of myself as a multi-dimensional being.
All I do is an expression of my own frequency - and some of those things are listed here on this website.
You'll find information about my music, arts, energy work, and other life-affirming things I create with love to support my fellow humans.